Yelvertoft Primary School

Remember to bring your sunhat to school. Our Year Six Leaver's Service is on Friday 19th July at 10.30am

 PTA- Yelvertoft School Association


We are passionate about our school and helping our children be the best they can be. Over the years we have raised money to help the school in numerous ways, from buying resources for each class such as ipads and equipment for the playground to fundraising through events and getting grants from the Wind farm Fund, Yelvertoft Parish Council, Lilbourne Parish Council & Yelvertoft Educational Charity to enable our school to have new books and our whole school to be repainted and freshened up.

Our PTA is a charity, registered with the Charity Commission, and bound by the terms of a constitution. Our constitution sets out how we operate as a PTA and how we conduct ourselves. The management of the PTA is vested in a committee currently comprising of 4 elected officers, PTA Committee Members and teaching staff, our 2022/2023 elected officers are as follows:

Chair:             Katie Ross
Vice Chair:   Christine Newhouse
Secretary:     Susie Lawton
Treasurer:    Danny Carter

PTA Committee Members: Rupi Kaur, Bec Tew , Kavita Krishnan & Miss Morris.

Our PTA have been very successful with our fundraising over the past few years, especially since September 2020 we have managed to raise over £44,000 to date, which has enabled us to buy new ipads for each class, get our whole school repainted, 4x new rainbow benches for our playground, our readathon which enabled us to spend £978 on books for each class and finally this year 2021 a massive achievement of over £28,000 for our Sensory Garden which work will begin in December 2022, we are so excited to have achieved all this in one year through fundraising and grants. We will be continuing with our fundraising but we would like to spend the next year 2022/2023 helping our Yelvertoft family by giving back what we can to support school trips and resources for each class especially with the current climate, We will be having more exciting events for our children, Some of the exciting events we hope to look at over the next year are:

  • Whole School Cinema Nights
    • School Disco’s
    • Village Easter Egg Hunts
    • Sports Day BBQ, Refreshments & Games
    • Quiz & Fizz evening (Adult Only)
    • Christmas Fayre with a special visit from Santa

Our PTA are committed to working hard to raise funds for our school, but have also managed to help with fundraising events which over the last year has generated the following:

Our School Lottery has bought in £368.77 to date, also alongside this we have our Amazon Smile and Easy Fundraising app which is currently on £659.37 to date which all generate money towards our school and has been a massive help to achieving our goals each year.

Our biggest event was our Christmas Raffle which unfortunately due to the climate we couldn’t have a Christmas Fayre again last year but we managed to raise an amazing £1043.00.

Our Cinema Nights, Easter Bingo, Quiz & Fizz Evening, School Fete & Diwali Light Disco have bought in much needed funds along the way and bought our children back together where they belong.

Also additional Grants of £20,730.00 has bought our total amount to £28,401.66 to date, something the PTA is very proud of. A special thank you to NCF, Lilbourne Parish Council, Janet & Bryan Moore Trust, Cllr Chantler, Cllr Longley & Tesco Community Grant for contributions throughout the year and to achieve our target of our Sensory Garden for 2022.

Other ways to help our PTA raise funds

Even if you are unable to volunteer at one of our events, there are many other ways you can support the fundraising of our PTA.

We’ve registered Yelvertoft Primary School PTA with #easyfundraising, which means over 4,000 shops and sites will now donate to us for FREE every time you use #easyfundraising to shop with them.

These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us – it’s completely FREE and doesn’t take long.