Yelvertoft Primary School

Remember to bring your sunhat to school. Our Year Six Leaver's Service is on Friday 19th July at 10.30am

Our School Day

Children are able to arrive at school from 8.40am. They are welcome to wait on the playground but must be supervised by parents until 8.55am when a bell will be rung and children come into school. Parents are welcome to wait on the playground until the children come into school.


The school day for children in EYFS/KS1 runs from 8.55am until 3.25pm, with one and quarter hours at lunch time. The school day for KS2 children runs from 8.55am until 3.30pm with one hour at lunch time.



8.40 – 8.55            Children arrive into the playground

8.55 – 9.05            Registration

9.05 – 9.25            Whole school phonics

9.25 – 10.30          Session 1

10.30 – 10.40        Assembly

10.40 – 10.55        Playtime

10.55 – 12.00        Session 2

12.00 – 1.15          Lunchtime

1.15 – 2.15            Session 3

2.15 – 2.25            Playtime

2.25 – 3.25            Session 4

3.25                       End of the school day



8.40 – 8.55            Children arrive into the playground

8.55 – 9.05            Registration

9.05 – 9.25            Whole school phonics

9.25 – 10.30          Session 1

10.30 – 10.40        Assembly

10.40 – 10.55        Playtime

10.55 – 12.15        Session 2

12.15 – 1.15          Lunchtime

1.15 – 2.15            Session 3

2.15 – 2.25            Playtime

2.25 – 3.30            Session 4

3.30                       End of the school day


There are also many children who travel to and from school on the Lilbourne minibus. When they arrive at school they go into breakfast club before joining the other children on the playground when the staff take them outside. At the end of the day, EYFS/KS1 children are collected from the classrooms and escorted onto the minibus. Children from KS2 wait for the bus in the old library.