Yelvertoft Primary School

Remember to bring your sunhat to school. Our Year Six Leaver's Service is on Friday 19th July at 10.30am

useful links



Have a go at Maths Baseball to see if you can score a home run. How's your spelling? Check out the Spell Check and try to get your name on the leader board or write a Wacky Story.


This is a really cool site full of activities, games, links downloads such as Bamzooki and lots more.

Maths Zone 

Fun online interactive maths activities designed to improve maths skills


Games to play and interactive mulitiplication test to complete - with certificates! How many do you know?

Literacy Zone

Lots of activities to support learning in literacy.

Online Dictionary

A great on-line spelling and word related site.

Oxford Owl

There are lots of fun games and activities you can do with your child that also practise maths skills and help to build your child's confidence. 


There are so many wonderful books, but how do you know which ones to choose? Browse through our library of 250 FREE eBooks to find an engaging book for your child.


Educational games for every age group.

Interactive maths games for 4-11 years

Top marks free games