Yelvertoft Primary School

Remember to bring your sunhat to school. Our Year Six Leaver's Service is on Friday 19th July at 10.30am

Sports Achievements

Playmakers & Magnificent Minds

Our year five pupils are being trained as Magnificient Mind champions - encouraging everyone to have a healthy body and mind. Our year six pupils are being trained as Playmakers which will include organising activities during lunchtimes and playtimes to encourage physical activity and enjoyment.  These are being provided by Pacesetters. 


We will be taking part in various sporting events over the next year so please watch this space for updates.


Yelvertoft Sport Newsletter - 2022 2023

Our pupils have taken part in several football and dodgeball interschool competitions over the last 12 months.  These have been organised by Pacesetters at regional events involving competing against several schools and Niall has also organised interschool football matches against local schools.  

All the children have shown great commitment and team work during these matches.  We are very proud of them all.