Yelvertoft Primary School

Welcome back to the new school year. Remember to bring your warm coats to school.

Meet our School Governors


Staff Governors:

Mrs Melanie Servent                                    Headteacher

" I have been teaching since 1991 and have been a Headteacher for over 20 years, leading three different schools before joining Yelvertoft.  I have a passion for educating the whole child and really enjoy looking around our school and seeing all the happy, smiling faces from the children and the staff. I have taught across the whole primary age range from Reception to Year Six which places me in a very informed position.  There are many aspects of the curriculum that are my favourites, Maths being on top.  My aim is to work with the Governors, Staff, Parents and Pupils to make our school the very best that it can be."

 Mr Barry Dow                                               Staff Governor

"After a plethora of jobs, mainly within the Leisure sector, I came to education quite late. I qualified as a teacher in the Summer of 2016 and when looking for jobs, I was completely taken with Yelvertoft Primary School. After visiting several schools, I put all of my eggs in one basket and the job at YPS was the only one I applied for. Luckily, I was successful with my application and received the post of Years 3 and 4 teacher. Now entering my seventh year at the school, it is safe to say that going into education and becoming a teacher is the best decision I ever made.  Now, I am hoping to make a difference to the school in a different way through being a Teacher Governor."

Parent Governors:

Shelley Dowell  - Vice Chair of Governors   (SEND)                                       

"With my son at the school, just moved into Key Stage Two, I’m lucky to be able to work around school hours and give some spare time to invest in the school and his education. I’ve worked with children and families for over 17 years as a family support worker for Rugby Children’s Team and I was a teaching assistant prior to this. I hope to be able to put my knowledge and experience to good use as a governor and continue my passion for best outcomes and success for all children."

Barbara Brazier 

"I am currently a parent of a child in school.  I volunteer at Shepherd's Delight, an after school club in school.  I am a volunteer children's worker for the Church of England based in the Crick, Lilbourne and Yelvertoft benefice.  I have previously worked in secondary schools and various child based volunteer organisations.  I have a vested interest in the school for my son and the local community."                      

 Mr Paul Starkey - LA Governor

"I have a long career in education currently heading up the Adult and post 16 Education Service for Northamptonshire.  I started my education career working within Early Years before moving on to work with post-16 learners where I have been for the past 15 years.  I am passionate about helping young people achieve their potential through education and ensuring the next generation have the best opportunities to succeed whilst growing into responsible and caring individuals.  I have a particular interest in the quality of education provision and have experience of improving quality and maintaining positive outcomes for all.  I welcome the opportunity to help Yelvertoft Primary School continue to be a provider of high quality education and experiences for the children as well as being an integral part of the local community."

Co-opted Governors  

Claire Penna               (Health & Safety & Premises) 

" Education has always been important to me.  I have worked in the retail industry and spent 20 years in construction.  I have volunteered at Yelvertoft Primary School, hearing children read and generally helping in the classroom.  I am currently a teaching assistant at a secondary school and still work in retail.  I have always enjoyed playing rugby and am proud to have been a pioneer for the woman's game having played for Emerging England, more recently being involved in setting up Kenilworth Womens team. Throughout my working and playing career I have enjoyed training, coaching and mentoring young people, gaining great pleasure in helping them to meet their full potential." 




Chris Bolton - Chair of Governors     (Finance & Website)         

    “I have been involved in education all my working life.  I started off as a secondary school teacher of English in Gloucester and then spent 20 years in the world of teaching English as a foreign language overseas and in the UK.  Most recently I       worked for a number of examination boards including Pearson which owns Edexcel.  I am now semi-retired and work as an education consultant for a variety of organisations. I have been a Governor at a primary school near Coventry and,         most recently, I was Chair and Vice Chair of a large secondary school in Rugby.  I am also the Vice Chair of Yelvertoft Parish Council.  I am passionate about education and giving young people the opportunity to develop and excel whatever           their abilities.”


Mark Tomlins  (Finance)

''Coming soon''


Mrs Sophie Woodhead                                 (Safeguarding & Child Protection, Disadvantaged/Pupil Premium) 

"I have been involved with Yelvertoft primary school for many years with both of my children attending and have volunteered at the school, but this is my first time as a governor. I have been working as a doctor in the NHS for 17 years so have extensive experience of other areas of the public sector and deal with safeguarding in my current role but am new to 'education'. I am looking forward to the challenges of being a governor and hope that I can bring some of my skills to work positively for the school. In my spare time I like walking and usually have a craft project 'on the go'. I feel passionately that all children need and deserve an excellent start to their education in a safe and welcoming environment and I feel privileged to be able to contribute and be involved in this way"

Local Authority Governors:



Associate members:

 Mrs Caroline Page   ( Personnel )

 "I’ve been a Governor at Yelvertoft Primary School since February 2015 and feel very privileged to be part of such a lovely school. I have 2 children, both attended Yelvertoft Primary School.  Both my children would say what a fantastic and happy school Yelvertoft is. Since September 2016 I have been a stay at home mum but prior to that I was a childminder and before that I had nearly 20 years in the world of HR.  Also, for the last 6 years I have been an active member of Yelvertoft School Association which raises much needed funds for our lovely school.







Percuniary Interests are now logged on governor hub


What is the role of our Governors?


Our Governors have 3 main roles:

Their Strategic role, which is about:

  • A vision for the school

  • Developing aims for the school

  • Planning so that all pupils can achieve the very best they can


Their role in School Improvement is that of a ‘Critical Friend’ and in this role they:

  • Monitor and evaluate the school’s work

  • Visit the school

  • Ensure that all meetings are effective by reading all papers prior to the meeting and preparing their questions for areas that they would like to discuss at the meeting


Their Accountability role which is concerned with:

  • Reporting on progress

  • Reciprocal accountability between school leaders and governors

  • The accountability to parents and the community they serve

 School governors make important collective decisions and the governing body is answerable to parents and the community. The responsibilities of the governing body include:


  • Promoting high standards of education and achievement

  • Planning the school’s long term future

  • Setting the schools aims and values

  • Appointing senior staff, including the Headteacher

  • Budgetary allocation and control

  • Deciding on the number of staff to be employed

  • Making sure that the curriculum is broad and balanced

  • Considering how the school will ensure that all pupils have access to the full range of extended services


Governor Committees



Caroline Page- Chair

Mark Tomlins - Clerk

Paul Starkey

Mel Servent