Yelvertoft Primary School

Welcome back to the new school year. Remember to bring your warm coats to school.

Ofsted Report 


Our last OFSTED Inspection took place in May 2022.  This stated that we continue to be a good school.

Click here for Ofsted Report May 2022

 "Yelvertoft is a happy school.  Pupils enjoy their learning and are proud of their school.  They know that staff care for them and listen to them, and they feel safe because of this.  Leaders promote pupils' well-being.  They know that their role is to care for the whole child."

"Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is ambitious for all pupils....teachers deliver a curriculum that is well planned and sequenced....The way that the curriculum is organised allows for pupils' knowledge and skills to build up gradually over time."

"Leaders have high aspirations for all pupils...pupils behave well.  They are polite and respectful.  Pupils have a very clear understanding of equality and diversity."

"There is a strong focus on pupils' personal development.  Pupils learn to be caring and responsible citizens.  Pupils show respect for, and learn to appreciate, diversity and difference.  All pupils spoke about how everyone is welcome at Yelvertoft."

 'This is a good school. Pupils are highly positive about their experience of learning and participate keenly in all that the teachers have to offer them. Their attitudes to learning are outstanding. Behaviour around the school is outstanding because pupils show great care for one another; parents say it is like a big family. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe. The Head Teacher and governors know the school well and have set out a clear plan for how to improve teaching further. The responsibility for making sure this happens is being increasingly shared by teachers who lead subjects'

Please click  here to read the full report.